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A Little Sunshine Page 2
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Page 2
Sunny meant to stand up to him, to defend her friend. Yet the moment he pointed his finger, she moved to the chair just as he'd commanded and sat down with her hands in her lap. She started to pick at her fingernails while worrying about her friend, swearing to herself she would not watch.
"Tiffany," Trent sat down on the sofa, his tone firm as he ordered, "come here."
"I'm sorry…" Tiff said, hurrying quietly to stand in front of the man.
"Oh, you are going to be sorry. You know what to do; pull them down."
"Please don't. I promise I won't…"
"Now!" Trent reached for Tiff's sweatpants and gave them a tug as if she wasn't moving fast enough. In the next moment, he pulled her down over his lap. His hand lifted right away and fell on her white, panty-clad bottom with a clap that made not only Tiff jump but Sunny as well. Red fingerprints appeared below the panty line where his fingers had overlapped.
Poor Tiff cried out, "Please, Trent, not while Sunny's here."
"There is no doubt in my mind that you know better, young lady. If you lead your friend out there to peek, and don't give a damn about my privacy, then you damn sure should be spanked with her present. You didn't seem to care that you were both spying on Mandy while she was getting her bottom spanked, did you?"
His words and the tone in which he spoke them had Sunny feeling very guilty over what they'd done. Though she was embarrassed, she discovered she couldn't look away. A good friend wouldn't watch. She should run away, or try to help or at the very least not be so damn fascinated—but she was. Trent's strong arm kept moving up and down, his hand alternating where it fell. Tiff's punished flesh underneath the thin white panties began to show pink through the thin cotton. And even below the seam, where her thighs met her bottom, he was even spanking her there and her skin was turning terribly red.
When Tiff's cries started to slow to soft mewling sounds and she wasn't kicking nearly as hard as when he first started, Trent seemed to slow down. She had kicked her pants free at some point during her struggles and Sunny, who'd sat watching the whole time, had no idea when it had occurred. Sunny inhaled sharply since her brain took over when she'd forgotten to breathe for so long.
When the spanking stopped, Trent surprised Sunny by lifting his sister to his lap where he hugged her and rubbed her back. Sunny couldn't hear what he was saying, but it sounded as if he were comforting her. Tiff should be mad, but it seemed as if she were still apologizing. It was all so very confusing.
While Sunny was trying to wrap her head around it, Tiff got up from Trent's lap and slowly walked by, giving Sunny a sympathetic smile on her way out of the room.
"Keep going, Tiffany. I will be up to say good night in a while." Trent's voice still held that clipped edge.
"Yes, sir," Tiff said quietly, doing as he said and continuing on, leaving Sunny alone in his presence.
"Come here, little girl. It's your turn."
"What?" Her head snapped back in his direction and her eyes connected with his dangerous, gray glare.
"I only give instructions once, so you had better pay attention to me, young lady. I want you in front of me now." His already deep tone of voice lowered. It didn't reassure her, instead making her a little more aware of the predicament she was in. How had she gotten herself into this again?
She moved quickly to obey his command that time, even though she was trying to figure out what to say or how to protest, but words wouldn't spring to mind, much less leave her lips. Her fingers still wanted to pick at and rub each other endlessly. Standing in front of him, Sunny felt awkward and now had a new understanding of that phrase about knees knocking.
He studied her without any sign of shame, his dark heated gaze travelling slowly over her small body.
"So, you are fascinated by spanking, are you?" His left eyebrow arched dangerously.
"No!" She finally found her voice and could feel her cheeks turning red.
"But you liked watching. Are you now trying to lie to Daddy?"
She gulped hard, trying to keep her mouth from falling open. Had he said Daddy? She couldn't look at his face anymore.
"I just—I don't know. It's barbaric," she stuttered. Oddly enough, she'd never had a stuttering problem prior to that night.
"Perhaps, but you liked it, and now it's your turn because it is not nice to watch when you don't have permission. You're going to learn very quickly that a punishment spanking is not fun. Pull your pants down and put yourself over my lap and I'll take it easy on you for obeying."
"No!" she gasped, turning to run away as reality sank in. She was going to be spanked by him! He was really going to do it. Trent caught her arm in his with one hand and the other easily tugged her stretchy leggings down. She was flailing, but it was useless. With a strong tug, she was upended. His muscular thighs were hard against her tummy, his torso warm against her side, and his arm across her back held her tightly in place.
"No. Let me go! Oh, please don't do this. Oh no, no, no," she wailed.
"You can stop the theatrics; they won't get you anywhere. Little girls who are naughty get spanked." His other hand came to her hip and pulled her tighter against him. "And, we both know you were a very naughty little girl, don't we?" He didn't wait for her answer though she was sure she couldn't have if she'd tried. Her stomach was flipping as her brain tried to assimilate the truth of her situation.
The reality of her position became clear as he continued in that stern tone. "I am going to spank you and I'm not going to stop until you have learned your lesson. You don't spy on people."
"I have—ow! No, stop. Please let me go," she squealed as his hand rose and fell all over her backside in a fiery pattern. Suddenly she understood that a spanking wasn't all fun and games. Her butt was burning hotter and hotter with each crisp swat across her defenseless globes. She used his leg to push off and tried to free herself, but his steel-like grip held her tightly in place. When he continued on without the least difficulty, she tried to wiggle, tried to get his hand to land somewhere else. When that still didn't help anything, she tried kicking but he easily locked a leg over hers.
Sunny had never felt so much pain, fire, burning. She tried to put her hand in the way to block him, but he just moved it and held it at the base of her spine. Her efforts hardly slowed the pace of the large hand spanking her fleshy mounds.
"So, are you still fascinated with spanking? You want to keep watching?" He lifted his hand and delivered a really hard smack on each side to punctuate his questions.
Sunny sobbed her answers, "No. Please. Stop."
"No, what?" he asked as his hand continued to pop her ass.
"No, sir!" she yelped, once again attempting to tug her hand free of his hold.
Trent chuckled. "While I appreciate the respect, little one, I would appreciate a proper answer to my question."
Question? He'd asked a question? Her mind wasn't working. It was obviously attempting to absorb the fact that her butt was absorbing his handprint over and over again! Two more hard swats had her arching back.
"Please, I-I forgot… Ow!"
"I'll make it easier for you to remember," Trent promised, popping her again. "First question was, are you still fascinated with spanking?"
"Ah, let's not forget to be respectful, little girl. No, what?"
"No, sir."
"Second question was, are you still wanting to watch somebody receiving a spanking?" Another two swats landed before she managed to answer.
"No-no, sir. Please, Da…" Oh my god, I almost called him Daddy! She just knew that her face was now as scarlet as her ass. "I mean, please, I'm really sorry. Please, ow! Please stop!"
And he did stop, finally, and rubbed his hand over her hot flesh. As his hand went down, it just barely grazed her womanhood, raising an all new sensitivity to her. She shifted, hoping his hand would go back there and arched her back as he came close...
Trent moved his hand down to the crease of her bottom where it was extra se
nsitive and again started spanking there. Her ass had to be burnt, scorched, melting—but he was so close to her slit. She wailed, not only with the pain of his hand lifting her buttocks with each slap to punish her sit-spots, but because she was aware of how her body was reacting. She was also ashamed at what he might discover. How could she possibly want his attention there even though she was as miserable as she was? And then he did it.
He slowed, and instead of spanking, dragged his fingers through the abundance of moisture there and brought it up in between her cheeks.
"No, Daddy! Please…"
But he pressed his finger into her tight back entrance without gentleness or warning.
* * * * *
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing soon."
"No," Sunny moaned, "not yet." She turned her head further into the inadequate little travel pillow. The chatter on the plane had risen considerably when the lights had come on and threatened to ruin her dream.
Where was she? Oh yes, she remembered though she couldn't remember exactly when she'd lost her panties during her spanking. Pushing that inconsequential question aside, she got back to the good stuff, squirming, her buttocks clenching just the slightest as if to remind herself in exactly what spot her fantasy scene had been interrupted.
* * * * *
She arched her back and cried out, "Please, Daddy, no." Her Daddy ignored her as he usually did when she whined and tried to stop an embarrassing punishment.
"You were a very naughty little girl," Trent said as he continued to thrust in and out, one, two, three times. "And naughty little girls get their Daddy's fingers in their bottoms before they get…"
* * * * *
"Ma'am, you must fasten your safety belt." A warm hand nudged her shoulder.
"Dang it," Sunny muttered as she reluctantly sat up in her seat; forced to have the sound of her Daddy's stern but oh so incredibly sexy voice replaced by a woman's voice insisting she buckle up.
"I am sorry, ma'am, but the Captain has given the call. Everyone must put their seats into the upright position and fasten their safety belts. We will be landing shortly." The flight attendant moved on when Sunny complied.
Sunny felt warm; she was embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming—even if nobody knew what she was fantasizing about. God, if they did, the airlines would be attempting to explain to her next of kin why their passenger had spontaneously combusted before her vacation even started!
With a sigh, Sunny pushed the tray back into the seat in front of her, following the proper protocol. She was not normally one to snap like that and had never been a rule-breaker. She tamped down the erotic images in the forefront of her mind, once more reminding herself that she had plenty of time this week for daydreaming. Looking out the window, she gasped, noticing the breathtaking view for the first time. As the plane dropped in altitude, the view only got better and better.
The pictures she had seen online had nothing on the color she was witnessing. The blues of the ocean contrasted against the white of the sand and the gold of the sunshine reflecting off the water. Kodak commercial material for sure. And the foliage! She had never before seen such a variety of hues ranging from a sea foam to the darkest forest green. Smiling, she was again very grateful that the all-inclusive resort they had chosen was not downtown. She wanted to hike through the lush rainforest at some point—and not just because that brought back memories of a trip she'd taken with Tiff's family, and more importantly, Trent.
Once they were on the ground, it took a good half-hour for the plane to taxi to their gate. Sunny was beginning to wish she had asked for more wine or at least could sink back into her favorite fantasy but couldn't seem to recapture the moment. Why was she so pensive?
"Bienvenidos al Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún. Welcome to Cancún International Airport," attendants called to her as Sunny made her way through the jetway and then the airport.
She weaved through the busy travelers all racing to the baggage claim, everyone apparently anxious to begin their vacation. Sunny was jostled this way and that and began to worry she was misunderstanding the signs. She hoped her taxi wouldn't leave her if she took too long to find her bag. She was amazed not only by the almost frantic but cheerful rush of all the people hurrying by, but the noise level. There were throngs of tourists even though Tiff had assured her they had picked an off-season by coming in October.
After finding the correct baggage carousel, she stood rather impatiently with the other passengers. It seemed they had all hurried up to wait. Sighing, her mind wandered as it was wont to do and she wondered why people seemed to have this ingrained notion that they needed to be the first to spot their bag the very minute it pushed through the black plastic strips and then cleared the little door. She avoided the press of people attempting to be first, content with waiting and not getting her toes stepped on.
She should have just packed her clothes into a carry on, she lamented to herself. At last, a rattling noise and thump signaled the game was about to begin and the conveyor belt introduced the first case to its owner. The rest of the travelers were not as sensitive as she was at the joyful reunion between man and Samsonite. They lunged forward to grab their own luggage as if afraid it would be raptured and never seen again. Realizing she was going to need her baggage claim ticket for customs, she opened her purse and began to dig through it, only to have her arm jostled. It was obvious she was still too close to the crowd of people.
One woman, a tiny thing, who seemed to think six-inch cheetah print Jimmy Choo heels and hair big enough to hide the Chihuahua she carried might disguise the fact she was barely tall enough to ride a Ferris wheel, almost ran right into Sunny. She backed up fast, not wanting the woman's train of matching animal print luggage to roll right over her nor the pointed stiletto to sink into her flesh. She wanted to hike, not spend time in some foreign ER explaining how she'd gotten a hole straight through her foot. Grateful to have avoided what she knew would have been a hit and run, as sure as she was the woman had never even seen her, she took another cautious step back. When she did, she stumbled into something huge and hard. Her purse went flying, spilling its contents across the floor.
"Disculpe." She looked up to see that the something was a man. A very tall, one damn-fine Mr. Perfect-in-every-way. Dark eyes, darker hair, sun-kissed warm golden skin, and from the feel of his chest as she bumped up against him, a peek beneath his silky white button-up dress shirt would reveal a well sculpted abdomen.
"Está bien, ¿estás bien?" He steadied her with his hands on her arms and she was enveloped in the warm, spicy designer scent of masculine cologne.
"I'm sorry—" She stared up into his dark-eyed gaze. She wanted to stay there for a while, just looking into his eyes but he bent and began to pick up her belongings.
Blushing, she began to help, gathering all the detritus that she should have cleaned out before she left home. When he held out her purse, she dropped the items inside.
"I'm sorry. Thank you. Umm, I mean gracias…" Though she and Tiff had begun to learn at least a bit of Spanish, she found that not much was coming to mind. She didn't have the handy-dandy English-Spanish pocket guide she had bought for the trip as it was in her suitcase. She was pretty darn sure he wouldn't be impressed by that one phrase she had made sure to memorize. Nope, she'd wet her pants before asking any man as luscious as he directions to the nearest bathroom.
"De nada." He shook his head a bit. "Bienvenidos a Cancún." He smiled as he backed away and started off across the airport again. He was sexy-as-hell and even if she couldn't understand a thing he said, she wanted to keep him. She just knew he had to have some sexy, Latin name. With a grin, she realized she could give him any name she wanted and she wanted to name him… Enrique.
Sunny watched him leave, memorizing every curve of his body, his scent, everything she could—she was sure he would have a starring part in one her dreams soon. Hell, forget dreams, he was absolutely p
erfect for that coveted role of her Daddy. A little shaken by the fact that her heart instantly rejected the incredible handsome hunk, shoving another man's face front and center, she gave her head a shake and turned back to the conveyor belt.
Chapter Two
Sunny was exhausted after the long flight, finding her way through the crush of people at the airport, and then the drive to the resort. Whoever had come up with the idea of dumbing down signs by using pictures deserved a prize. After attempting to decipher signs written in a foreign language, she had almost cried at seeing the pictorial signs. Following the icons depicting taxies and buses, she had managed to exit the airport terminal and had thankfully found her taxi easily enough, considering there had been so many buses and taxis at the airport offering their services. She'd had to fend off numerous people trying to help carry her luggage. From their insistent efforts, you would have thought she'd arrived in Mexico with a dozen trunks instead of the one simple blue case she could easily manage as it had wheels.
The drive to the resort had been at least an hour, if not more but she didn't resent a single minute. The ride had been so beautiful and the further they drove from the downtown area, the more excited she became. She and Tiff had chosen accommodations away from the downtown district on purpose. It wasn't only more affordable, it offered a sense of freedom in that the resort was more open and not crammed right up against other buildings. Sunny was a country girl. She wanted to see out-of-the-way places, and she was hoping to be able to go horseback riding under the scorching Mexican sun. It was easy to imagine herself seated atop a beautiful horse as its hooves splashed in the surf on that long ride along the beach. The fact that she hadn't been able to find any horse rentals listed on any of the websites didn't bother her. She was sure the stables would be just another hidden jewel of the Caribbean. All she needed to do was ask the locals when she arrived at the resort.